Tuesday 16 February 2016

Weekly Poll: How do you prefer to 'talk' to people on your phone?

It's not really a stretch to say that many of us will avoid talking on the phone these days. When it comes to talking with the people in your life, many prefer to text or use a messenger client like Hangouts. It's a good thing we've advanced far enough that if you don't like actually talking to people you can get around it in a variety of ways.

This week we want to know how you prefer to talk to people. Are you still a fan of calling people, or do you prefer to use Facebook Messenger when you can? There's are plenty of ways to communicate these days, which means you aren't limited to a single way to talk to the people in your life.

customer surveys

So how do you prefer to talk to the people in your life? Let us know in the comments!

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