Sunday, 21 February 2016

The LG G5 keeps the SD card but shuns Adoptable Storage

The LG G5, unsurprisingly, keeps its expandable storage. That's not always a given from year to year (we've saw Samsung — which produces SD cards — get rid of expandable storage last year in the Galaxy S6), so it's good to see it return in the G5.

But one thing that's missing in this equation is Adoptable Storage. That's the feature in Android 6.0 Marshmallow that allows the operating system to format the SD card with in the same manner as the internal storage, and the two work together as one. The downside of that is that you can't move files from one device to another, and you can't really remove the card at all without messing with things.

So it's not overly surprising to see Adoptable Storage missing from the LG G5. You'll still be able to use the card to store video and pictures you shoot on the G5. And you can still easily load it up with music and videos and whatever else you want.

You'll just not be using that major feature of Android 6.0 Marshmallow when you're doing it.

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