Some more details around the LG G5's expansion capabilities, dubbed the "Magic Slot", have surfaced ahead of the official smartphone announcement. According to a new report, these accessories are expected to be unveiled at Mobile World Congress, alongside the company's next flagship smartphone. The modules and other attachments for the handset will reportedly be known as "G5 and friends".
Venture Beat has noted that the various attachments and accessories (both modular and external) will be configured and managed by a dedicated app called LG Friends Manager. Initially, the company is only expected to showcase two modules with the device - a camera grip (with 1,100 mAh battery extension) and digital audio chip plug-in to improve sound quality.
"For the second module, the DAC, the manufacturer teamed up with high-end consumer electronics maker Bang and Olufsen to develop the LG Hi-Fi Plus with B&O Play. Besides improving the native sound experience, the Hi-Fi Plus is also said to enhance audio routed through it from other connected Android devices or PCs."
As well as modules that can connect to the handset itself, it's reported that LG will also show off an LG 360 Cam, which can record stills and video at 16MP in 360-degrees. Resulting files can then be played back on a LG 360 VR headset. This VR headset is said to have a dedicated LCD display, nine-axis sensor setup and other highlighted features.
Finally, there's the Rolling Bot. LG's very own robot. It's a drone that can be controlled by nothing more than your smartphone, will have both a camera and speaker mounted, and will even have the capabilities to interact with supported smart appliances. Everything aforementioned is expected to be present at MWC 2016, so be sure to remain tuned to Android Central for everything LG over the coming days.
Source: Venture Beat
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