Tuesday, 14 April 2015

VR for G3 — Google Cardboard for LG folk

LG's first step into mobile VR doesn't stray far from the current offerings, but G3 owners will still want one of these ASAP.

While the world of virtual reality gaming is heating up at an unprecedented pace, due in no small part to massive contributions from Samsung in Oculus Rift and HTC in Steam VR, there's a whole different kind of VR development happening in mobile. Games are a part of it, but not nearly to the scale of desktop-class systems. Instead, mobile VR is looking for ways to expand upon entertainment consumption. Samsung wants to put you in the middle of a live concert while you sit on your couch, while Google chooses to open up their platform to every idea — including a deep focus on inviting kids to the party.

Google Cardboard is an incredibly cool idea that grows in functionality every day, but if you've tried to stick a recent LG phone inside of these enclosures you might have noticed a slight design conflict. To resolve this, as well as test the waters for their own VR interests, LG has released VR for G3 as a free accessory to anyone who buys one of these phones from select retailers.

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