Tuesday, 14 April 2015

This week's sidebar poll: How is your new phone treating you?

Tell us how much you like (or dislike) your new Android phone.

It's the time of the year when the new Android phones — like the HTC One M9 or the Samsung Galaxy S6 —you've seen the tech press fawn over have made their way onto store shelves and users' hands. That means it's a fun time for most everyone involved, with all the setting up of a new device and trying new features. New hardware and new software brings a bunch of things Android fans seem to love to play with. I'm guilty, as are many of you. It's fun. No need to deny it, you're among friends here.

Of course, it's also the time when we read about issues, bugs, horribly-broken-zomg-what-is-wrong problems from the folks that are having them. Usually, this is a small number of people who are understandably very vocal about problems with their very expensive new gadget. Nothing's perfect and problems are real — even if you're not seeing any.

Here's your chance to say just how your new Android is treating you. Take the poll, jump into the comments to hash it all out. And remember, if you are having issues, the Android forums are a great place to find answers for just about anything!

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